Programme 2024

4th JanuaryAGMEntries – Comp 1 (all open)
11th JanuaryAV Group meeting, Broadway House, 7.30pm 
18th JanuaryResults Comp 1 (Open), Broadway House, 7.30pm 
20th JanuaryCambridge Digital Competition 
25th JanuaryAV Group meeting, Broadway House, 7.30pm 
1st FebruaryAntony Zacharias – Long Exposure Photography (Zoom), Broadway House, 7.30pmEntries – Comp 2 (Prints – Open. PI – Texture)
8th FebruaryAnnual AV competition at Broadway House, 7.30pm.
The judge is Jill Bunting CPAGB-AV LACI, on Zoom
15th FebruaryResults – Comp 2 (Prints – Open, PI – Texture), Broadway House, 7.30pm Annual Awards
22nd FebruaryAV Group meeting, Broadway House, 7.30pm 
29th FebruaryIt’s A Lens Jim, But Not As We Know It – Dave Jordan, Broadway House, 7.30pm 
5th MarchSuffolk Rose Bowl at East Ipswich 
7th MarchShow and Tell: presentations from each Group
Launch of the new Event Group, Broadway House, 7.30pm
Entries – Comp 3 (all Open)
14th MarchGroup Meetings 
21st MarchColbourn Cup v H&DCC, Broadway House, 7.30pm 
28th MarchResults – Comp 3 (Open) 
4th AprilA45 Competition at Bury St Edmunds 
11th AprilGroup Meetings
18th AprilPhotographers or Artists Who Have Inspired You (Members), Broadway House, 7.30pm 
2nd MayPaul Smith – Drone Photography, Broadway House, 7.30pmEntries – Comp 4 (Prints – Open. PI – Urban Decay)
9th MayGroup Meetings 
16th MayResults – Comp 4 (Prints – Open, PI – Urban Decay), Broadway House, 7.30pm 
23rd MayGroup Meetings 
30th MayNik Szymanek – Astro Photography 
6th JuneShow and Tell – Images from the GroupsEntries – Comp 5 (Prints – Open. PI – Abstract)
13th JuneGroup Meetings 
20th JuneResults – Comp 5 (Prints – Open, PI – Abstract) 
27th JuneTom Peck – The best camera is the one you have with you…… 
14th-17th AugustExpo 
5th SeptemberBrian Northmore – On Dartmoor (Zoom)Entries – Comp (all Open)
12th SeptemberGroup Meetings 
19th SeptemberResults – Comp 6 (Open) 
26th SeptemberGroup Meetings 
3rd OctoberShow and Tell – Images from the GroupsEntries – Comp 7 (Prints – Open. PI – Events)
4th October (Friday)AV Battle: away at Clacton Camera Club
10th OctoberGroup Meetings 
17th OctoberResults – Comp 7 (Prints – Open, PI – Events) 
24th OctoberChrissie Hart – From Ordinary Photograph to Fine Art Print 
31st OctoberGroup Meetings 
7th NovemberEAF PortfolioEntries – Comp 8 (all open)
14th NovemberGroup Meetings 
19th November (Tuesday)Bipod Battle: away at Woodbridge Camera Club
21st NovemberResults – Comp 8 (Open)Entries – Annuals
28th NovemberGroup Meetings 
5th DecemberResults – Annuals competition part 1 
12th DecemberResults – Annuals competition part 2 
2nd January 2025AGMEntries Comp 1