Explanatory Notes
These do not form part of the rules, but are points that will help clarify conditions in the rules. Please refer to the relevant section in the rules for full details.
This is how the rules work.
In any one competition the same image may be entered in monochrome and in colour, but traditionally, this is not regarded favourably by judges.
Entries for competition for projected images are best submitted by email to images@felixstowephotographic.uk
The FIAP definition of Monochrome adopted by PAGB is: “A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey. A black and white work toned entirely in a single colour will remain a monochrome work able to stand in the black and white category. A black and white work modified by partial toning or by the addition of one colour becomes a colour work to stand in the colour category.” True monochrome conversion in camera or in software is required to achieve this, simply desaturating a colour image will not succeed.
The rules state clearly that the author must have copyright of the image. This must include any elements of a composite picture, so the image and its constituent parts should all be photographs taken by the author. (Exceptions allowed by AV rules qv)
If at the end of the competition year there are 2 or more members with the same number of points in a competition, a count back method will be applied to determine the winner. The first step would be to count who has gained the most 1st placings in the competition to see if this gives a winner. If there is still a draw this process will continue looking at 2nd , 3rd and 4th placing to find the winner. If at this point there still is a draw then the committee will consider other criteria to establish the winner.
Monthly Competitions
There are seven individual competitions within each of the eight monthly competitions and members are either an advanced or intermediate or junior worker in each competition. A Junior Worker is a person aged 18 or under.
The individual monthly competitions are:
– Printed Images (Colour Trophy) is open to intermediate and advanced workers equally.
– Printed Images (Monochrome Trophy) is open to intermediate and advanced workers equally.
– Monochrome Projected Images (Intermediate Cup for intermediate workers and the Woodrow Cup for advanced workers)
– Colour Projected Images (Colour Pot for intermediate workers, Pardon Shield for advanced workers and Junior Colour Award for junior workers)
Members normally begin as Intermediate workers. They can enter monochrome images in the Intermediate Cup Competition and colour images in the Colour Pot Competition. When they win the annually awarded trophy in either of those competitions they become an advanced worker in the equivalent advanced monochrome or advanced colour competitions.
To encourage intermediate workers the rules allow them to process their own work and seek the assistance of other people with digital image production. However, advance workers are required to undertake all processing, computer work and digital manipulations themselves.
The size of the print should not to be less than 300 square cm which roughly equates to a print of approximately 8 x 6 inches in size. This is to allow for greater flexibility and does not limit the shape of the print but bear in mind the area of the print still needs to be greater than the minimum required, for example a letter box shape of size 12 x 4 inches can be used. All prints must be mounted on a board no greater than 500mm x 400mm (slightly less than 20 x 16 inches) which is a recognised size used by the East Anglian Federation for external competitions. This is the maximum size of the mount and smaller mounts can be used in society competitions. It is important to give your print a title and put this on the back of mount with the competition identifier and your initials. Please do not put a title or you name on the front of the print as this could be excluded from the competition.
Annual Competitions
The specification of the Annuals competitions varies each year and is issued in the early part of the competition year. Please refer to the annuals competitions summary sheet and current programme for details.
Images entered in Monthly competitions can be entered in Annual competitions and vice versa, but only once in each.
Entries for all annual projected image competitions can be either monochrome or colour
A PhotoMontage is a single image – composed of several or many images, merged or superimposed to form one coherent image. A montage, as described, can therefore be entered in to a competition as a single image.
A PhotoCollage is a merged collection of separate images (like a patchwork) to form one single image. A collage, as described, can therefore be entered in to a competition as a single image but not as part of a panel.
A PhotoTriptych is a group of three pictures displayed near each other or three pictures in one image. The pictures must have a common theme, be closely associated and be presented as a single image.
A Panel is several separate images with a common theme, assembled onto one picture, or set up side by side for display. A panel is not a single image and therefore not eligible for entry as a single image in a competition.
It is now required that an additional image be submitted to show the layout of the panel, giving each individual image a unique title and an overall title for the panel. These requirements apply equally to entries for the Byham Cup, which is correctly described as a SET, not a panel.
Montages and Collages and Triptychs as defined above can be entered in any of the monthly or annual competitions as single images.
Panels as defined above can be entered only in competitions which are specifically for Panels. The number of images per panel must not exceed four – except for the Felixstowe Town Council Challenge Trophy competition, which specifically requires six images.
Images previously entered in monthly or annual competitions may not be used as part of a Montage, Collage or Triptych or as one element of a Panel.