General Rules

1. Title
The Society shall be called Felixstowe Photographic Society.

2. Objects
The object of the Society is the advancement of Photography as an art and a science through the mutual assistance and friendly criticism among its members.

3. Membership
Membership is open to any persons interested in photography, amateur or professional. A person shall be considered a junior member if they are under 18 years old at the start of any Society year.

4. Subscriptions
The membership subscription, the joining fee and the visitor’s fee, shall be as determined by the committee from time to time and adopted subject to approval of two thirds majority of the members present and voting at a general meeting. Subscriptions shall be due on 1st January and are paid in advance. Any member whose subscription remains unpaid on the 31st January shall be assumed to have resigned from the Society. Such members may be re-admitted to the Society at any time on payment of their subscription but are liable for the joining fee.  New members joining after 31st January shall have their subscription reduced pro rata.  Non members may attend up to two ordinary meetings without charge, on subsequent visits non-members shall pay the visitors fee.

5. Management
The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Committee consisting of President, Vice President, President Elect, Secretary, Competition Secretary, Programme Secretary, Treasurer and one committee member. Four or more shall form a quorum. Should any vacancy occur the committee have the power to fill it. They shall also have the power to appoint additional officers and form sub-committees from the membership as the need arises.

6. Election of Officers
The President shall be the President Elect from the previous year. The Vice President shall be the president from the previous year. The President Elect shall be chosen by the Committee from the total membership. All other Officers shall be elected for a period of one year at the Annual General Meeting.

7. The Annual General meeting
This will be held in the January of each year when the Balance sheet for the previous year, audited by member(s) of the Society shall be presented. A report on the Society’s activities shall also be presented.

8. Special General Meetings
The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting upon receiving a written request signed by a minimum of one third of the membership. Notice of this meeting, indicating the nature of the business shall be published to all current members at least twenty eight days in advance, of the meeting.

9. Special Powers
The Committee shall have the power to decide any questions not specifically mentioned in these rules.

10. Expulsions
Any member charged with bringing the Society into disrepute shall be invited, on 14 days notice, to attend a meeting of the Committee and give an explanation of their conduct. The committee may then decide by a majority of not less than three quarters of the full committee to expel the member.

11. Alterations to Rules
These rules may not be altered except at an AGM or Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Twenty Eight days notice in writing to the Secretary is required. Such a proposal shall be published at ordinary meetings of the Society. Any resolution requires the assent of at least two thirds of the members voting at that meeting.